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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15


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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:18 pm

    Kendal- (looks up at him and furiously rubs eyes and stops crying) nothing, it's nothing. I'll go.(stands up and is trembling bit doesn't look back at strife and starts TI walk past him)

    Tao- I think you should leave it your natural color. (smiles) I like that color

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Legolas Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:31 pm

    fox - mumbles. but orange is so boring. it makes my head look like a blasted carrot.

    neer - glances behind himself at kendal. good luck. snorts and closes the door behind him turns back towards strife taking a stef towards the foot of the bed and his insides just squish together all over again knowing that he could lose all of his family if strife dies.

    jeff - starts to read it smiling like an idiot but as he reads further his smile fades.
    it reads: dear jeffery, it's been a long time hasnt it. im sorry i havent gotten back to you. times are tough, and every time im caught with one of your letters your mother freaks out and makes me discard it. but dont be hard on her. she's been having some metical issues lately and in a month or so we're expecting a baby. a baby girl. maybe ill send you a picture one day, but you'll never see her as long as your mother's around. its impossible to convince her and id never want to lose her. this might be the last letter for a while. 
                                                                                                                 miss the old you. 
                                                                                                                 love, dad

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:35 pm


    Kendal- (walks out of hospital to base and pause on you)

    Tao- how is that boring? I like your hair color, just like you like my glasses

    Steve- (walks back after grabbing something and goes a different way, spots Jeff and sighs. Waves to him but since he's reading Jeff doesn't see him. Wishes he could be friends with Jeff like he sued to but now Ida bit wary of him but doesn't know why)

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Legolas Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:51 pm

    jeff - his hands are still and he stares at the letter. a tear drop forms on the paper and he continues to read it over and over until there's more then one drop and forces himself to close it. ill have a baby sister...and ill never get to meet her.

    fox - well its uh...different....cause like i cant take my hair off and on. grins.

    neer - sits down next to strife and sighs not knowing if he should sya something or not. well strife...sighs and looks at him. damn your so stupid.

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:04 am

    Steve-(sees something is wrong but isn't sure if he should interfere thinks: oh whatever and runs up in front of him) hey Jeff! (stops a couple feet in front of him seeing he's crying and freezes) are you ok? (starts to back up) should I go?

    Tao- well I like yor natural hair ... So you should keep it(smirks)

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:13 am

    fox - oh? (Hides a grin and sits up in front of tao touching his nose) are you saying because you like it i should keep it that way ? Because YOU said so?

    Jeff - n-no your ok (whipes his eyes) something just got in my eye thats all. Looks up at him and smiles unsteadily slipping the letter into his pocket) where you been? (Says to shake the awkwardness even though he already knows)

    Afk shower

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:19 am

    Tao- (smiles is off hos face and is scared he said something's ring, blushes widely and stutters) uh I uh ... No .... No ... N-no! You can do whatever you want, don't listen to me I'm craaazy (laughs nervously and tilts head back)

    Steve- training (sits cross legged in front of him) you sure you ok? (still is Jeff's friend and wants TI help him) if you need help with anything you can always tell me

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:29 am

    Jeff  - (nods) yeah im ok.. Was just taken off guard thats all. My dad finally weote me back (forces a halfhearted smile)

    Fox - (laughs) your crazy cute (leans forward to plant a soft kiss on his nose) 

    Neer - you shouldnt have given up so easily (growls) but you did. You knew you were gonna die! (Is yelling now then goes dead quiet and rubs his temples) no...no you wont die

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:37 am

    Steve- oh! Hey that's great right? (smiles crookedly) or I hope? (reaches up and pulls his hair out of the tiny pony tail letting it fall In front of his face and around it like it did yesterday) man I seriously need this cut

    Tao-Thats not funny! (huffs but smiles a little and wraps arms around him pulling him into a kiss then let's go. Opens mouth like Ed going to say something JSUT like last night but then shakes head ) so what are you planning on doing today?

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:45 am

    Fox - (narrows eyes and knits eyebrows staring at tao deciding he needs to find out what these words were that tao wanted to say before. Completely ignores his question )

    Jeff - uh yea i guess...(smiles genuinely at him) looks...ok to me (sighs running a hand theough his curly hair)

    Neer - (leans back in chair his eyes tired as a doctor comes in)
    Doctor- oh hello mr. Cotter... Im sorry hou jave to hear this about your brother but i think hou lnow as well as i do that we cant keep him on life support forever.

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:52 am

    Tao-what? (looks at him confused and leans forward and kisses his nose) I like nose kisses.

    Steve- (smirks then blushes and laughs nervously) yea well (looks at Jeff, really looks at him for the first time and stares at every detail on hos face and every freckle trying to figure out if he means it or not. Stares at him intently and gaze softens. Thinks: he is nice, but ... Do I like him?)

    Hmmmm I want something to happen, like can Jeff get Hirt while he and steve are walking home but not badly just like he gets a little scraped up and steve like drags him into his apartment and helps fix him up cuz I have an idea I really wanna use like that

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:02 am

    Awww ya totally
    But how he gonna get hurt o.0

    Jeff- (knows hes not gonna finish sentence and finally stands.) well im gonna head back to my place. Where you if to?

    Neer - (eyes widen then narrow as he stands up) he needs it not because hes already dead he needs it because hes going to live!
    Doctor - (looks at him sadly) im sorry we've done all we could do at this point. He's not going to wake up. It would be respectful to let him lass without being hooked up to all this.
    Neer - (stalks closer to him his fists clenched) hour not going to touch those machines

    Fox - (doesnt move or change his expression just stares into taos soul waiting for him to get uncomfortable and spit it out)

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    Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15 Empty Re: Stop The Y.E.S.(Youth Execution System)! Are You Prepared #15

    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:11 am

    Steve-I have to actually grab something at my place, I'll come with you (stands next to him and walks, feels tiny next to him)

    What if uhm idk peeps were mean to steve and they bullied him bad they were gonna beat him up like what if a mean market person wouldn't sell food to a little girl and steve stepped and like there son or whatever was like I'll handle it and him and steve got in an argument and guy hit him and Jeff beat him up but he still gets a little hurt
    Idk sounds cheesy

    Tao- (stares back with the same expression) I don't know what you want metro say andrew

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    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:18 am

    Fox - (continues to do this to see exactly how long he can last without smiling or laughing)

    Nonononono not cheesy i love it
    Jeff - (stretches out his arms as they walk) so how often do you take in a new cat? (Says jokingly)

    Doctor - (gulps) im going to have to ask you to leave sir.
    Neer - oh really? (Leans in close to the man with a wicked grin) ask away

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:23 am

    What up with ne'er?

    Steve- (smiles at ground) ok I don't actually take them in, I just put food out and different cats come and go. Some stay around more then others some don't. I'm not just some crazy cat person. Though a lot do stay.

    Tao- (frowns at him then smirks and leans forward and kisses him gently. Starts to kiss down his neck trying to get him to stop) andreww (mumbles against his skin)

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    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 1:37 am

    Fox - (remains still great effort)

    Jeff - (cant help but laugh again thinking of how funny and sweet that is) his throughts are interrupted as he hears a small voice pleading desperately)
    Small dark skinned girl about six- give me the bread!! (Is trying to yank a loaf of bread from the marketmans hands but he yanks it out her hands) but i paid for it! It was 4 dollars before! (Voice is on the verge of crying. She clearly hasnt eaten much by her skinny limbs) 
    Man -  but its more now! (Snaps back putting the bread back) go home 
    Jeff - (eyes zero in on the man and he casually walks over behind the girl and smiles at the man completely forgetting about steve) why wont you give the girl what she paid for? At least giveher her money back
    Man - are you her brother? (Growls)
    Girl - (stands her ground being very stubborn)

    Hes grumpy today
    Doctor - (sighs) ok. How bout i give him one more day?
    Neer - a week
    Doctor - one more day (says sternly composing bis posture again)
    Neer - three days
    Doctor - one.  Day. (Turns and leaves)

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:00 am

    Tao- Andrew (mumbled against his shoulder and kisses his softly then tilts head and slowly kisses down his chest)

    Steve- (runs over to join them) excuse me but what seems to be the problem? (looks around and is able to figure out what happened) the girl payed for her bread now give it to her, your not allowed to just change the price.


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    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:18 am

    girl - mhm! stomps her foot. 
    man -little brat. look fellas i really dont care right now so go buy bread somewhere else ok? rolls his eyes and continues organizing things.
    mechant man's older son thats like 20 - sitting in the back watching them

    fox - whimpers unable to hold in in his hands digging into the top of tao's hair. w-what were you gonna say bef-fore?

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:22 am

    Steve- no! She already spent her money here you will give her what she payed for, that's how this works. Someone gives you money for food then you give them the food. (narrows eyes at him getting sort of angry) I'm not leaving till she gets what she payed for

    Tao- oh (presses palms against his stomach and moves back up) doesn't matter(says quickly and kisses his neck more)

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    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:34 pm

    Fox - (puts his hands on taos shoulders pushing him away gently and cupping his face in his hand) i really dont eant to argue with you (smirks)

    Jeff - hey steve maybe we should just---
    Son - (growls and walks around the side of the stand and pushes steve forcefully with his hands) aint nobody talk to my pops like that you ass.

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:45 pm

    tao- andrew. sighs and looks down feeling guilty you really dont want to hear what i have to say, trust me

    steve- doesnt look scared at all just looks really pissed dont touch me. snarls at him lowly its not my fault your father is a selfish douche.

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    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:08 pm

    Son - douche? (Growls) keep your moth shut! (Lunches at him and pnches him across the jaw the force of the blow pushing steve to the side. People make wide archs to avoid the skizz fight going on walking past quickly)
    Jeff - hey! (Eyes narrow at the sons back and he grabs his shoulder and yanks him around) why dont you pick on someone your own size? (Glances behind the som who is about as tall as him worried steves bleeding)
    Son - (grits his teeh hen smirks) like you? (Quickly swings back arm to punch jeff but jeff ateps on his foot hard and leans forward pushing him backwards makin him fall on his butt)(growls and gets up and lunges at jeff)
    Jeff - (his whole mind is focused on the fight his arm strting to ripple with muscles but he holds it back andcracks his neck) come on kitty. Lets see what youve got (spits at him enraged that hed punch steve)
    Son - (lunges at him but jeff steps to the side and trips him causing he son to bump into the standknocking  everything over. Eyes are wide with anger and he takes out a knife from his back sheath holding it behind his back) you little shit--
    Jeff - (takes on a good foghting stance his fists ready jumping on his feet) nah were equal in height.

    Fox - why wouldnt i? I loce everythig thatcokes out of your mouth (smiles)

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:22 pm

    Steve- (falls on his butt After he lunches him but doesn't feel in pain that much since he's used to being in pain. Has a mark werehe was punched but that's it and watches them and narrows eyes at Jeff and hears the words I nhis mind: pick on somebody your own size) (stands up wobbly and leans against another cart, also is sort of ticked he woulda ay that and because he can handle himself, isn't worried he will get hurt at all)

    Tao- yea well (speaks a lot quieter) last time I said this you didn't love it so much

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    Post  Legolas Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:39 pm

    Fox - (knits eyebrows trying to remember remaining clueless) i have have term memory loss.

    Son - (lunges a him but dives to the side whipping the knife around as jeff swings his arm to punch his slicing the hard skin on the side of his lowerabdomen)
    Jeff - (growls and takes him by the shoulders his arm getting all bulky now the guys eyes widening in fear)
    Son - (brings knee up in Jeff's stomach and he winces as the cut starts to bleed looking worse hen it is.) aww gou trying to protect your girlfriend?
    Jeff - (growls) shut up (kicks him hard inthe gut and jumps on top of him pinning him down and punchin him over and over)
    Son - (tries to breathe and after a few punches slashes the knife across jeffs face)
    Jeff - (turns head to the size the blade only grazing his cheek.) is that all yo can do? Some cuts and bruises? (Eyes are wide with anger and he draws back his hige arm ready to punch his lights out)

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    Post  Admin Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:49 pm

    Tao- (looks up and touches his cheek lightly) I love you (says softly and gazes at him then looks down ashamed.) I'm sorry, I know your not ready, I should stop.

    Steve- (eyes go wide as he seems jeff gethurt, suddenly feels an overwhelming need to step in and stop them and doesnt no why) stop! (grabs Jeff's Arm and digs heels into the ground trying to get him off) leave him alone, your done. (growls but eyed are frantic in fear)

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